Apolinario Alcuitas, A Hated Traitor or A Convenient Scapegoat?

Was Apolinario Alcuitas a traitor or convenient scapegoat in the assassination of revolutionary leader Leon Kilat?

Getting to know Cebu history is just like reading any story - there are heroes and villains. And yet, there are complex characters with multiple sides to their historical legacies. Some are misunderstood and a certain few are vilified by default. They could be anti-heroes willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their ends. 

Shrouded Mystery

We're talking about Apolinario Alcuitas, the man who killed the revolutionary hero Pantaleon Villegas, more popularly known by his nom de guerre 'Leon Kilat' for his daring exploits in the battlefield. Was Alcuitas motivated by personal ambition, driven by fear of Spanish retaliation, or acting out of a deeper sense of loyalty to a higher cause? Why some people put him as one of the most infamous traitors in Philippine history that included Teodoro Patiño, Pedro Becbec, and the Makapilis? The answers to these questions are as elusive as his own life story.

Here's what we know about him as his Vancouver-based descendant Ted Alcuitas recalls:

Known as Nario to his colleagues, he was part of Leon Kilat's inner circle who is best remembered for his role in that infamous assassination. One of four children of one Julio Roca Alcuitas, his exact birth and death dates have remained unknown thereby adding to the mystery surrounding his life. He married Elena Alcordo, with whom he had three daughters—Teodora, Lorenzana, and Felipa—and a son, Fructuoso. Ted recounted that the 12-inch blade used to kill Leon Kilat was kept as a forbidden heirloom within their household.

In their own version of the narrative, the assassination was allegedly driven by fears among local leaders that the continued rebellion would invite brutal retaliation from the Spanish forces. It is said that Apolinario used a blade to stab the revolutionary leader, with additional measures taken to ensure his death, as he was believed to be protected by anting-anting (amulets). Historical accounts suggest that Apolinario was not acting alone but had accomplices in the plot.

The true motivations behind Alcuitas' betrayal remain a subject of debate, with some viewing him as a pragmatist who sought to protect his town from the Spanish, while others label him as a traitor to the revolution. The lack of information on his later life only deepens the enigma surrounding his legacy.

Leon Kilat's Heroism at the Battle

On April 3, 1898, Cebu witnessed one of its most iconic revolts against Spanish colonial rule — the Battle of Tres de Abril. It was Leon Kilat who led this uprising, surprising the Spanish authorities and forcing their retreat. What started as a small rebellion in the streets of Cebu City quickly grew in intensity as Leon Kilat and his Katipunero forces managed to overwhelm the Spanish troops with guerrilla tactics, leading to an unexpected victory that day​.

The revolt was sparked by mounting frustration over centuries of Spanish oppression and exploitation. Under his leadership, Cebuano revolutionaries took control of key parts of the city, driving Spanish forces into a defensive position. The success of this battle is considered one of the most pivotal moments of the Philippine revolution in the island of Cebu.

More than just a military leader, Leon Kilat was a symbol of hope for the people in Cebu and surrounding provinces. Known for his fierce dedication and bravery, he was able to inspire local Katipuneros, many of whom were untrained and poorly equipped, to fight against the might of the Spanish army. His leadership style was charismatic, with many viewing him as invincible — a reputation that helped rally support for the cause​.

Through his leadership, the revolutionaries captured strategic areas of Cebu before Spanish reinforcements could arrive. His decision to lead a surprise attack during the peak of Spanish control in Cebu City demonstrated not only tactical intelligence but also a deep understanding of guerrilla warfare. His heroism during Tres de Abril may have solidified his role as a key figure in Cebu’s revolutionary efforts​, it also means that he became the focal point of the Spanish efforts to undermine the revolution by directly plotting for his demise.

After their initial victory, Leon Kilat and his forces withdrew to Kabkad (now Carcar) to regroup and plan further attacks. Unfortunately, this retreat marked the beginning of his downfall. Fearing vicious retaliations and reprisals, some local leaders have conspired to assassinate the revolutionary leader when he least expect it. What may have been a strategic retreat seems like becoming a deadly trap to this elusive larger-than-life character.

The 'Tragic Betrayal'

After the successful battle, Leon Kilat and his forces retreated to Kabkad to regroup and plan their next move. Little did he know that the local leaders, including Apolinario Alcuitas, were plotting against him. As one of the trusted member of the inner circle, he knows when and where they can spring their deadly trap.

The local leaders feared that if they continued to support the revolution, they would face brutal retribution from the Spanish colonial forces, particularly the dreaded "juez de cuchillo" (execution by the sword). They all know that the Spanish will deploy stronger forces as well as their powerful navy including modern gunboats to lay siege on Kabkad should the town resist and protect Leon Kilat.

Apart from that, Leon Kilat's growing influence and charisma has undermine the authority of the local leaders as much as it inspired more people to resist. Ultimately, its an act of self-preservation that led them to betray the revolutionary leader, believing his death would spare their community from further violence that already happened elsewhere.

The assassination took place on the night of April 8, 1898, in the house of Capitan Gregorio Barcenilla, where Leon Kilat was resting after the intense battles of the previous days. Alcuitas, along with other conspirators, executed the plot under the cover of night. According to accounts, Alcuitas made a cryptic statement about "slaughtering a horse" — a reference to the act of killing the revolutionary leader. As Leon Kilat lay asleep, Alcuitas and his accomplices murdered him, bringing an end to one of the most celebrated revolutionaries of the Cebuano resistance​.

The assassination was a tragic betrayal that underscored the internal divisions within the revolutionary ranks.

Did He Acted Alone?

Long vilified as a traitor for his role in the assassination, the actions of Apolinario Alcuitas have cemented his name in Philippine history as one who undermined the revolutionary cause. Let's face it, Alcuitas did not acted alone as there are other people have been directly or indirectly involved.

Don Florencio Noel is a prominent local leader and Kabkad's capitan (the town mayor) at that time. He wields great power, influence, and responsibility. As a man with the leadership position, he is the first one to know that happens in the small town. Should the Spanish decide to punish the whole town, it would be his head that will roll first. Having said that, as an act of self-preservation, he is the more likely mastermind behind the plot and Alcuitas may have been nudged towards doing the 'dirty work.'

Another key character that would have been complicit with the assassination would be Gregorio Barcenilla, the man who owned the house where Leon Kilat stayed and ultimately, assassinated. There's no such thing as a coincidence. Sheltering a wanted man would attract the attention from the Spanish. Like Noel, he would probably try to save himself by indirectly involving himself in the plot.

In addition to Noel and Barcenilla, Segundo Alcordo, a tailor, was also present during the events leading up to the assassination, though his exact role is less clear. While Alcuitas was credited with carrying out the assassination, the plot itself was a collective decision by the local elites who were loyal to the Spanish and sought to protect their town from further reprisals.

Public Perception

Despite the likely involvement of other people, many in Cebu see his involvement in Leon Kilat’s death as a direct act of treachery. The assassination has left an indelible mark on his family's and descendants' legacy.
According to accounts, the weapon he used—a 12-inch blade—was passed down through his descendants, further entrenching the mystery and stigma surrounding his name. This object, a relic of a dark chapter in history, is said to have been preserved by his family, raising questions about the motivations behind his act and its lingering impact on his personal life. There is little information available about Alcuitas' life after the assassination, leaving many to speculate on his reasons for the betrayal.

There is a great divide over his role in the untimely assassination. Some argue that he acted out of fear, not only for himself but for the community of Kabkad, which faced certain devastation. In this interpretation, his actions could be seen as an attempt to shield his people from brutal punishment to punish rebels. Others, however, argue that he was motivated by cowardice or opportunism, betraying a leader who had rallied the Cebuanos to victory in Tres de Abril. His complex role leaves room for ongoing debates about whether he should be condemned as a traitor or understood as a man who made a difficult choice under immense pressure.

Historical Re-Evaluation

The assassination of Leon Kilat marked a significant turning point in the revolutionary struggle in Cebu just as Spanish power is waning and a new imperialist power is on the horizon. Leon Kilat's leadership had brought momentary hope and unity to the Cebuano Katipuneros only to be cut off when his death made the revolutionary cause leaderless thereby allowing the Spanish to regain the upper-hand just in time for the Americans to take over. With the revolution losing momentum, the same people who were hobnobbing with the Spanish can now be seen taking the reigns in power with the Americans now at the helm.

By killing one of the most prominent leaders of the revolution, Alcuitas arguably doomed the revolution in Cebu to failure. His role is thus viewed through two lenses: one of pragmatic self-preservation and the other of treachery that undermined a greater cause. His actions place him in the same category as other infamous figures in Philippine history who betrayed their fellow Filipinos during the revolution like Pedro Paterno, who facilitated the controversial Pact of Biak-na-Bato. While they played critical roles in shaping the course of Philippine history, their actions are often viewed with disdain for having betrayed the revolutionary cause. They exist in a moral gray area, where motivations of survival, loyalty, and fear clash with the ideals of revolution and heroism.
There is the thin line between traitor and hero in history. As the old saying goes, "history is written by the victors." It may be true at certain cases, the question is - who really won? There is none as the Filipinos (particularly Cebuanos and Negrenses) have lost a great revolutionary leader.
And what became of Alcuitas after the assassination? These questions remain unanswered, leaving a lingering sense of intrigue about whether he faced justice for his role in Leon Kilat’s death or if he quietly faded from history. His disappearance after the assassination only adds to the mystery, leaving his story open to interpretation and historical re-evaluation.



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Istoryadista | History Blog | Cebu Blogger: Apolinario Alcuitas, A Hated Traitor or A Convenient Scapegoat?
Apolinario Alcuitas, A Hated Traitor or A Convenient Scapegoat?
Was Apolinario Alcuitas a traitor or convenient scapegoat in the assassination of revolutionary leader Leon Kilat?
Istoryadista | History Blog | Cebu Blogger
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